Safety in the workplace: MAC's commitment

The theme of the safety at work we are passionate and very committed at the same time.

The difficulty in running a company without a careful eye on the prevention and protection of human capital is tangible. In fact, it is not only a matter of proceeding in full respect for regulations provided for by law, to be applied in every production sector, but also raise awareness among its operators on the subject.

On the one hand, regulations cannot go unnoticed, just as all PPE must be worn and used in the correct way.


Who tells us today about his views on safety at work is Antonella Capaccioli, CEO of Mac stickers.

In his words, he then explains the internal company situation from the labour point of view as regards the compliance with safety regulations.


"Every entrepreneur should put the highest priority on improving and increasing safety in the workplace. It is a subject in which we must never feel we have arrived and never be content with what we have achieved. Human capital always comes first."